
Garderobe im Wandel: Ein Blick auf nachhaltige ...
Garderobe im Wandel: Ein Blick auf nachhaltige Mode Willkommen zu einer Reise durch die faszinierende Welt der nachhaltigen Mode. In einer Ära, in der Umweltschutz und bewusster Konsum an Bedeutung...
Garderobe im Wandel: Ein Blick auf nachhaltige ...
Garderobe im Wandel: Ein Blick auf nachhaltige Mode Willkommen zu einer Reise durch die faszinierende Welt der nachhaltigen Mode. In einer Ära, in der Umweltschutz und bewusster Konsum an Bedeutung...

Sustainable Brands from Switzerland: Embracing ...
In the realm of sustainable fashion, Switzerland has emerged as a hub for ethical and eco-friendly clothing brands that prioritize the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. As advocates...
Sustainable Brands from Switzerland: Embracing ...
In the realm of sustainable fashion, Switzerland has emerged as a hub for ethical and eco-friendly clothing brands that prioritize the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. As advocates...

Lola Tong – das transparente nachhaltige Mode S...
Blog post geschrieben von Marisa Conzinu - Hochschule Luzern HSLU Original Post: https://hub.hslu.ch/smart-up/2023/05/25/lola-tong-das-transparente-nachhaltige-mode-start-up/ Lola Tong ist das erste nachhaltige Mode Start-Up, die den oder die Modedesigner*in/Künstler*in hinter jedem Kleidungsstück vorstellt. Sie...
Lola Tong – das transparente nachhaltige Mode S...
Blog post geschrieben von Marisa Conzinu - Hochschule Luzern HSLU Original Post: https://hub.hslu.ch/smart-up/2023/05/25/lola-tong-das-transparente-nachhaltige-mode-start-up/ Lola Tong ist das erste nachhaltige Mode Start-Up, die den oder die Modedesigner*in/Künstler*in hinter jedem Kleidungsstück vorstellt. Sie...

How to spot sustainable fashion brands?
First of all, to be honest, it is still quite difficult to establish a sustainable brand in the fashion industry these days. The supply chain processes are still quite complex...
How to spot sustainable fashion brands?
First of all, to be honest, it is still quite difficult to establish a sustainable brand in the fashion industry these days. The supply chain processes are still quite complex...

How to create a capsule wardrobe?
At Lola Tong, we often refer to ourselves as a fashion brand that creates fashion to build your own capsule wardrobe. Therefore, we thought, we might explain what a capsule...
How to create a capsule wardrobe?
At Lola Tong, we often refer to ourselves as a fashion brand that creates fashion to build your own capsule wardrobe. Therefore, we thought, we might explain what a capsule...