Philanthropy and donations

We believe that apart from our economical, legal and ethical responsibilities, we also have a philanthropic responsibility.

We know we can’t make a huge difference but we are still confident that we can make a small contribution towards building a better and more just world. There are so many amazing projects and not-for-profit organizations out there that do great work. And by contributing some of our revenues, we would like to help them building the world we imagine it could be. To be fair, we have to say that actually you are the ones making a contribution by purchasing from us. We strive to donate 2% of our revenues to good causes. And for that, we thank you ♡

By browsing the list below you can find out more about these amazing initiatives that you helped making a contribution to.

ZanaAfrica Foundation

ZanaAfrica Foundation is providing adolescent girls in Kenya with the proper tools to navigate puberty.

Wakami Foundation

Wakami Foundation is providing business training to rural women in Guatemala.

Pink Ribbon Schweiz

Through campaigns and projects, Pink Ribbon Switzerland is raising awareness among healthy women about the early detection of breast cancer.

Fashion Revolution Foundation

Fashion Revolution Foundation aims to make the global fashion industry more responsible. An industry that conserves and restores the environment and values people over growth and profit.
Prishtina Dog Shelter saves street Dogs across Kosovo.